A rant given and opinions sought

i like that line of thought, it is something i use when coaching and guiding. from my point of view if i am responsible for others when i am on the water they need to always be in my field of view. if i can't see them or they are behind my back i imagine they are playing russian roulette!
I don't know... I rode motorcycles for years and definitely rode with the "they're out to kill you" mantra because for the most part, it's true. Never felt anything even close to this while kayaking. Not even remotely close.

Perhaps it's not paranoia, but certainly an over-simplification and certainly not a fair comparison -- riding a motorcycle is far, far more dangerous -- just ask an insurance agent.

Dan_Millsip said:
I don't know... I rode motorcycles for years and definitely rode with the "they're out to kill you" mantra because for the most part, it's true. Never felt anything even close to this while kayaking. Not even remotely close.

Perhaps it's not paranoia, but certainly an over-simplification and certainly not a fair comparison -- riding a motorcycle is far, far more dangerous -- just ask an insurance agent.


I agree that kayaking is far less dangerous unless maybe you are in Hong Kong harbour or something.
Interesting topic for sure.

I just was out visiting friends in Boston, Mass, and had the pleasure of spending some time on the bridge of one of the harbor ferries chatting with the skipper while underway. It was an eye-opening experience, especially since I'm used to being about two feet off the water most of the time. The ferry is a highspeed catamaran with the wheelhouse about 35" above the water. At one point the Coastguard cleared the main channel for an incoming container carrier (Rule 9). As soon as the ship had passed things got very interesting: every vessel, including several kayaks, that had been waiting for the mammoth to pass poured into the channel. The skipper of the ferry cruised through the melee with confidence and care. But those kayaks sure were tiny pieces of plastic viewed from way up there. I came away with a renewed appreciation for how very small and puny we are out there in our spears.

When I rode a motorcycle my moto was "act as if there's a guy out there that can't see you, only YOU can prevent him from running you over by being vigilant all the time"
Kayaking however, never bothered me as much. Even at the utter chaos that is the Nanaimo harbor during the Bathtub races.But,regardless, I keep an eye on the close-by powerboats,judge their course/speed and if it starts looking iffy,I'm not thinking about right-of-way, I'm thinking of saving my ass first by moving away.