Broken Islands by canoe

I didn't notice if Marleau's book has been mentioned:
Thanks, have shared with hubby!
We are thinking of canoeing (open canoe) in some of the Broken Group Islands (BGI) but I'm a bit concerned about safety. (Other than around a sheltered bay, I haven't canoed in ocean before.)
We would go around Sep 4th and perhaps get a shuttle to Dodd island, then paddle to stay overnight for two nights each at Gibraltar Island and Gilbert Island. It's hard to get an accurate picture of doing this in a canoe.
We've canoed in rough waters on lakes and a river before (annual canoe trip) and also tend to paddle early in the morning to try to avoid wind and waves. But I prefer to avoid waves if I can. Have other canoers been between/around these islands before and found it totally fine or have any tips ? We are purposefully avoiding outer islands.

Thanks for any advice!
Hi Sarah,

Not sure if you are still around and yes, it's the depths of winter, but did you go on your BGI trip? How did things go?