Canon S2 IS


Mar 16, 2005
Richmond, BC, Canada
Hot off the press, the Canon S2 IS. 12X optical zoom, 5 MP w/ image stabilization.

Cool. 8)

I stopped by at London Drugs and took a look at the new S2 IS -- it's very, very nice. Surprisingly, it's a fair bit bigger than the S1. There are however a number of features that the S1 was lacking, most notably the Digic2 processor which is lightening fast -- the start-up and autofocus are amazingly faster. It also has 12x zoom instead of 10. The LCD screen is also quite a lot larger and this model has an auto focus assist lamp (which was one of the biggest complaints about the S1). Overall, this camera appears to be a nice improvement over the S1 IS.

Now I've just got to save up the 700 clams to get this one.

Are we starting a "Help Dan Replace His Camera" Fund? :wink:

My fuji has an auto focus assist lamp. Not sure what that means but eye's got one.
The auto focus assist sends out a beam of light in low light conditions to help the camera focus. It's a nice feature.

I picked up an S1 today off eBay - comes with 2 x 256 mb cards and a set of good rechargeables all for $375 CDN :p
I picked up another S1 IS on sale at Futureshop today. It's not an S2 but it's also nearly half the price.

It's so nice to have 10x zoom back again. :D

Cool - we can start a club. I'm very happy with it. I'll eventually upgrade to the S2 when the S3 comes out :lol:

And you can now get a device which you plug the camera into to download pics directly to a photo computer needed. That would be great for trips when you want to clean up your card.
Dave_Barrie said:
And you can now get a device which you plug the camera into to download pics directly to a photo computer needed. That would be great for trips when you want to clean up your card.
I was looking at that this morning -- time to buy a 60Gb iPod.

No, no, no. Must... not... spend... more money.

Darren and I are both going to get one at some point, maybe we can work a deal if we buy 3 at the same time......unfortunately it won't be in time for our upcoming trip.
They've got the housing priced at for $259.84. This is the cheapest that I've seen them from a retail store in Canada (London Drugs will order them in for $300.00).

I'll bet we could get a few bucks off buying three of them at once. I'd like to get one asap. When do you guys think you'll be able to get one?

Hmm, I have relatives in London.....I found someone through eBay who also has a web-site. They're in Canada and their price is around $204 CDN, plus GST and shipping. I could order one any time....should have last week so I'd have it in time for the trip. I'll check with Darren.
Steve_Fairbairn said:
Hot off the press, the Canon S2 IS. 12X optical zoom, 5 MP w/ image stabilization.

Cool. 8)


After reading several posts touting the attributes of the S2 IS, I went out a picked one up as an early Xmas gift at McBain Camera. It will replace an older Powershot G2 which lacked the optical zoom and IS of the S2.

Thanks to all here who provided the expert advice and great photography which helped make the decision making process easier. For paddling trips, I plan to store it in a watertight lexan box similar to one that I came across at MEC. It has moulded slots on either side where one could also attach tie down straps. :)
Good choice - it's a very nice camera. I'm really happy with mine so far. There are quite a few forums around that will help you learn the features of the S2, including what features to avoid when possible. Steve's Digicams is especially good (there's a link in our 'Paddling Links' section).

Enjoy! 8)