I'm AM's buddy thinking of buying a bigger boat. I love my NDK Explorer but it really is too small for weeks-long trips. I'd like to take a few more comfort items (like a small chair, and one day, perhaps in my 70s [now 63], a cot) and I'm getting old enough to think that the increased efficiency of a rudder, and the loss of the skeg box, ought to be enough for me to lose my snobbish approach to North American craft!
We actually have a Telkwa in the family boat stable but its owner, the family treasurer, has put the kibosh on me taking it over and outfitting it as necessary.
I have narrowed down my search to the following ruddered boats:
Nimbus Telkwa
CD Expedition/Nomad (the same boat, Nomad newer, I believe)
CD Extreme
Seaward Quest/Quest X3
Looksha Elite
I did consider the Tahe Wind 585. It has a rudder but also a skeg (so wasted space with the skeg box) and an owner told me that there are considerable quality control issues to consider with the Tahe.
I'd be interested to learn others' thoughts.
In addition, a couple of questions:
1. Although I put down a reasonable number of miles on paddling days - 15-20 NM is not uncommon, longer distances less so nowadays - I do also like weaving between rocks and along rock faces. I'm perfectly happy edging, using a bow rudder, etc, but is a good steep edge enough to overcome the issue of the great length of boats like the Quest? The Telkwa, for example, has lots of rocker. Real life experience reports welcome!
2. How easy is it to retrofit gas pedal rudder controls to boats like the Telkwa? Nimbus's sliding rudder controls are an absolute no-no for me.
As a final aside for the OP, sbourgoin, I'll be swapping out the seat if I go for the Telkwa or any other boat with a hopelessly (for me) uncomfortable seat. I'd carve the seat out of a minicell block and use the same material to build in side supports that I can edge against.