My FIRST Canoe!

Feb 27, 2008
OK, I'm pretty excited about this. :big_thumb
Went into Clipper on Saturday and put down a downpayment for my first canoe ever. I've been paddling for about 30 years now, and have always begged, borrowed, rented, stolen....heh...etc. Whenever I was going to do any paddling. I always wanted my own boat and in a few short weeks I'll finally have one in my grubby paws.
I'm getting the 17' Kevlar Clipper Prospector in Jade Green. I wanted something that wouldn't stand out very easy for those times when I'm stashing it in the woods somewhere to go for a hike.
Congrats! :cool

I'm still in the "beg, borrow, rent" phase, and very much looking forward to the freedom of my own boat. Post lots of pictures and reports of your travels!

See you on the water... :big_thumb
The scary thing is that Monster did suggest I buy a kayak instead, but I learned long ago never to listen to anything he says. After all he is so full of sh*t that his eyes are brown.... :twisted:
Stumpy said:
I heard somewhere that rental rates on kayaks double if they find out you own a canoe...

Only because they make you rent twice as many so you can take a kayaker out to teach him how to paddle....
marc said:
Stumpy said:
I heard somewhere that rental rates on kayaks double if they find out you own a canoe...

Only because they make you rent twice as many so you can take a kayaker out to teach him how to paddle....

Good one!! When I first started kayaking, and researching the technical aspects, to enrich my paddling skills, I got very excited to find out all the different paddling strokes. As is started learning them, I found that it was really cool to finally have a name for all the different strokes that I had learned from my years canoeing :big_thumb
Monster said:
so lets have it... your excuses for saving a lousy $300 by not getting the ultralight layup?

I am sure it beats my Crappy 17' Pelican! Canadian Tire Special! Oh well it got us on the water last summer and me to build my own Kayak!

We had a real fun summer with the canoe! I am sure we will be talking it out of the rafters next month.
A few photos of Wilma's maiden voyage (Wilma for William (Bill) Mason)


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Nice looking canoe. With the bright shiney finish, that thing will still stick out like a sore thumb if you decide to try to stach it in the woods.
Well, it will certainly hide better than a red one would have. I expect given a little bit of time it won't be quite so shiny.
Nice boat -- the Prospector is one of my favourite canoe designs and the entire time I worked at Clipper I heard nothing but praise by Prospector owners. Next time you're at Western, ask Marlin about the time he picked up Bill Mason at the airport with a Clipper Prospector canoe on the roof of the car -- which was a Porsche!

I like the jade colour -- it'll hide well enough in the bush ('cause if you're using it, it will lose a lot of it's shininess -- on the bottom anyway).

Are those maiden voyage shots on the Fraser?

Yeah, I love the Clipper Prospector.

PS: Yes Dan it is on the Fraser, just above the Mission Bridge. Wanted to get it in the water quickly to get a little bit of a paddle in the night we picked it up.