Next summer


Established Member
Jan 2, 2014
It’s time to begin thinking and planning next summer’s big trip. In previous years, we’ve enjoyed canoeing in Sechelt Inlet, Bowron Lakes, Desolation Sound, Broken and Deer Groups, Broughton Archipelago and Hakai. In the last one last year, a 12-day, 200 km trip, detailed here, we paddled from Bella Bella to Calvert Island and return. While we reveled in our experiences on the other trips, Hakai was special for its remoteness, sandy beaches, lack of roads and other infrastructure, old growth forests, etc. I’m torn between returning or exploring another part of BC’s remarkable central or northern coast.

Our interests lie in circle tours so that we return to our put ins to avoid paying for water taxis or shuttles, we limit ourselves to less than 5 km crossings and we’ll wait out conditions with anything more than 2 metre swells. The outer islands are not on any of our lists. A big day for us would be 30 km, though we could do 40 km in a pinch.

So far, I’ve identified two possible two-week trips: Kitimat to Gribbell Island and back while avoiding Douglas Channel, and circumnavigating Princess Royal Island. I’ve read a few accounts of the latter, but none about any trips to and from Kitimat.

I admire the experience in this group and I’m interested in any input.


In "Wild Coast 2" John Kimantas describes paddling up the Douglas Channel: "one of the most challenging waterways on the coast" pretty well sums that up. I have travelled up and down in a charter boat for local tours (<>) and have no ambition to paddle up the channel on the Kitimat end itself. Often very nasty conditions when otherwise on the coast is fine, due to channeling in the fjord and strong local tides and currents. The coast is very rugged with limited options for exit for long stretches.

Down by Gribbell and Princess Royal is much better (not been there myself). Access is tricky- can charter Kitimat Kayaks (above). Also a possibility to get to/from Hartley Bay with the North Co Co-Op ferry operated by the local First Nations, running out of Prince Rupert. There has been mixed enthusiasm for them in doing kayaker transport so would need to call them and see. Going from Klemtu/BC Ferries would add some miles.

I've been wanting to do a trip in that area but going to and around Campania Island- if I could get a large enough group to do the charter from Kitimat and begin/end in Union Passage.
Re Princess Royal, what about launching from Klemtu?

The launch at Klemtu is no longer as described in Philips excellent account anymore. The Northern Expedition lands north of town now and the launch is under the loading ramp. Ragged rip rap. Definitely doable but can be a bit challenging. I have launched there twice but choose a day when the you can load on a rising tide and your boats will be floating when it's time to launch. Accounts of my launches can be found here:
and here:
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^ Yes. We launched from Klemtu (alongside another paddler who was bound for Princess Royal) last year, and it’s fine but obviously not ideal. Launching on a falling tide was doable with two people — would be very challenging solo. Not much in the way of driftwood to aid in sliding a loaded boat. At least there’s a good staging area above the launch area, and it’s not a long carry to the water.