SOLD! - Mariner Max Sea Kayak - with bulkheads and hatches $2500


Premier Member
Dec 7, 2011
Victoria, BC
$2500 Mariner Max Sea Kayak - with bulkheads and hatches

This is my fiberglass Mariner Max kayak- it's a great boat that's fun for day paddling but can also carry a load of gear for trips. I've used it on a couple of short camping trips and a few day paddles. It's in very good condition.

I wasn't planning to sell it, but I recently found another Max in Carbon/Kevlar layup, so this one can go to a new owner.


You can find details and reviews at

Length: 17'

Beam: 23.5"

Mariner sliding seat

Front fiberglass bulkhead with SeaLect Performance oval hatch

Aft glass bulkheads create 2 compartments - Day hatch with KajakSport hatch and the stern compartment with the Mariner hatch.

Spare paddle holders on front deck.


$2500 CAD

Location: Victoria
My wife said, “at this point what’s the difference? You already have more kayaks than any sane person needs. What’s one more?”
My wife said, “at this point what’s the difference? You already have more kayaks than any sane person needs. What’s one more?”
We are both very lucky to have such understanding spouses!
And, it is cheaper than smokin',drinkin' and hangin' round bars and gambling!
This reminds me of a story about a fella who won the lottery jackpot. A year later he was interviewed about his winnings. He was asked how he used it. His reply " I spent most of it on booze, gambling, and hired women; the rest of it I just wasted away."