OK....I am going to (very slowly and carefully putting one toe in first.. because that's how I am) take the plunge and buy myself a digital camera for Christmas. Right now I use a Minolta SLR with a 300 mm tele, a macro lens (with a 2:1 converter) and a wide angle. It is just way too cumbersome for kayaking and hiking so gets left behind lots. My flash also has died and I can't find a replacement that works (may be a problem with the flash shoe or something instead) which means I can't get indoor pics of my granddaughter this fall/winter. So....My camera shop has a Pentax WPi - 6 Megapixel with 3x zoom for $495.00 so it's waterproof. Does anyone have this camera and how do they like it? I really do like to take macro pics and I use my telephoto lots too. Do you think a 3x zoom is enough with 6 megapixel quality to zoom in on the computer after and crop and still have decent quality? I do like quality pictures! Or do you think I won't be happy with this and should go for non-waterproof with a waterproof housing? With a Pelican box or such I'd be in the same boat as with my big camera and not use it since it's hard to carry and slow to get to....I would love to hear any of you guys' recommendations! Thanks!