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Deer Group -$30Billion LNG Plant Agreement

Interesting discussion.

Decided to add my 2 cents to it.

Found this: http://www.nationaldebtclocks.org/debtclock/canada with the help of Mr Google. Combined numbers for fed/prov is twice as high ($1.2 trillion).

Canada is the richest (at par with Australia) per capita country in the world. Our economy is doing very nicely according to our governments. And yet the clock is ticking at the alarming rate.

Then we should consider our senators' pensions, their expense accounts, free flights for Air Canada retirees, I hope you understand what I mean. The list is very long in any case.

So, then just imagine for a moment that we - Canadians stop using the pawn shop solution to this problem. Close your eyes and think about it for a minute or two.

I hope you share with us the results of your discovery process.

Perhaps going kayaking is the best solution to it all.

What do you think?
I hope you share with us the results of your discovery process.

Due to the nature of written communication I would like you to answer the following:

Who were you referring to?
Were you being sarcastic?

jk said:
seadevilsadvocate said:
Move ahead with development and stop pretending we can make a difference. In the big scheme, nothing will change until everyone accepts this.

Seriously? Well, there's a world I don't want to be a part of. Of course, there's an irony in posting on a discussion forum to tell people they can't make a difference...

We can make a difference in the short term and should continue doing what we think best. In the long term humanity will indeed exhaust all the usable fossil fuel reserves and then our problems will begin. Global warming and other problems are not serious and are just an inconvenience in comparison to having no fossil fuel. My timeframe for the start of serious problems to the point of extreme problems is 50-500 years. I don't think equivalent alternatives will be discovered/invented in the time frame they need to be.

Thats my opinion and it doesn't bother me. (Maybe similar to the way a mortician views his work).
Seadevilsadvocate, I've offered Thomas Malthus, Paul Ehrlich, and Garrett Hardin as tip-of-the-iceberg sources where one can go to find out more about humankind's (and the biosphere's) future. Do you have some sources for your notion that global warming and (unspecified) other problems are not serious and are just an inconvenience in comparison to having no fossil fuel? As an exercise, I suggest you work the numbers in a scenario where humankind has, with great efficiency, extracted and oxidized all of the tar sand, the oil shale, the coal, the natural gas, the oil in that 50-500 year timeframe, and pumped the resulting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. And, Welcome to Venus!
Strange Magic said:
Seadevilsadvocate, I've offered Thomas Malthus, Paul Ehrlich, and Garrett Hardin as tip-of-the-iceberg sources where one can go to find out more about humankind's (and the biosphere's) future. Do you have some sources for your notion that global warming and (unspecified) other problems are not serious and are just an inconvenience in comparison to having no fossil fuel? As an exercise, I suggest you work the numbers in a scenario where humankind has, with great efficiency, extracted and oxidized all of the tar sand, the oil shale, the coal, the natural gas, the oil in that 50-500 year timeframe, and pumped the resulting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. And, Welcome to Venus!

We are getting too far off topic so this may be my last post on this string.
I will revise the last post and just say that humanity is nearing its peak of affluence and standard of living. The big decline will happen in the 50-500 year span. We could theoretically prevent a serious decline and adapt before that, but we won't/can't. The evidence is profound and overwhelming and bits of it can be found just about anywhere you look.
Just my prediction for the future and we all know how uninteresting future predictions can be.
I should confess i have not read this thread but would like to comment any way.
Bamfield being the nearest town would benefit from this lng.
I have had some inside info that the chances of the permits for this lng going through are nil.
But with a little conflict of interest it will surly happen.
. let me explain.
the stage has been set in motion for years .
=== Stan and rich get the private land removed from the tfl's.
these lands then become pre approved treaty land.
First off let me say who stan and rich are.
rich needs no intro, his brother was the ceo for the local logging company and after being fired became the ceo for the huu ay aht.
http://www.timescolonist.com/treaty-ope ... on-1.24429
the huu ay aht buy a parcel of the pre approved treaty land that forest minister rich coleman's deal removed from tfl.
They sign a deal with lng company to build lng site on this piece of pre approved treaty land.
http://www.steelheadlng.com/steelhead-l ... arita-bay/
Rich is no longer the minister of mines but is now the ministry of natural gas development.
So to sum up, these brothers where investigated for "conflict of intrest" with regards to the removal of private land from the tfl, now the lng is proposed to be built on the land in the investigation, the one brother, stan is the ceo for the new owners of the newly acquired land and his bro is the new minister of gas.
Huu-ay-aht Chief Robert Dennis and hereditary Chief Derek Peters say the First Nation has been notified by Steelhead LNG that it has "ceased current project work" on the Kwispaa LNG project.


At the time the project was announced, Steelhead CEO Nigel Kuzemko said the company had National Energy Board licences to export 24 million tonnes of LNG through the Sarita Bay facility annually.

New pipeline would have been required:
How the natural gas would be transported from northeastern B.C. and Alberta to Vancouver Island was still being worked out, he said.

Uncertainty to what the following means:
The company said it planned to make a final investment decision on the project by this year or next.