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Aug 20, 2005
Kelowna, BC
New Years Paddle - Kelowna

Candikayak and friends

Getting your boat to the water is easy on snow....




HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!! And what a awsome day to start off with,
A total of 20 to 25 kayakers appeared on the shores of English bay to take in the Polar Bear swim today! And Wow what a great turnout for the swim too! full of entertainment.

Will post pictures as soon as I find the camera.

Found the camera so here are a few photo's of the day. ( we also made it onto the news! )




:D great turnout!!! :D i watched the news on channel 11 last night but i guess i missed u kayakers on the water..

thanks for the report.. :)
Wow - seems there's not much paddling going on lately! Or perhaps everyone's out paddling, with no time to post photos! :wink:

After following the marine forecasts, Wet Elvis and I headed out last Sunday morning to check out the gales off Oak Bay, here in Victoria. The winds were quickly strengthening and would reach 37 knots sustained (68 km/h) during our outing, with gusts to 48 kts (89 km/h). These were the strongest sustained winds I've paddled in so far, but since it hadn't been blowing very long the swells were relatively small but steep.

As is usually the case when we head out in the wind, we later found that BC Ferries had cancelled a few sailings due to 'extreme weather'. :lol:

With plans to paddle towards Trial Island, we headed out of Oak Bay Marina and battled straight into the wind. After about 20 minutes our progress was very slow, although it was fun. :p We turned around for some quick surfing before deciding to head east (instead of south-west), towards Willows Beach to see what the surf was like.

We didn't quite get that far. The winds had progressed to the point that I, with no ballast in the forward hatch (mistake #1!), found it impossible to turn the boat into the wind without capsizing. Edging the boat away from the wind to turn made it catch more wind and push me over, and not having paddled much in the 3 weeks previous (along with being a bit weak from battling a cold those same 3 weeks) meant that I didn't have the strength to turn entirely on sweep strokes. More practise is obviously required in strong winds!


Getting past most of the breakwater, I soon found myself getting blown into the rocks so my only choice was to turn the boat and try getting out backwards. It was slow and tiresome work; Elvis eventually came to my rescue and towed me out backwards (we have no dignity, evidently). :oops:

I've slapped together another little video and (despite fighting YouTube for hours last night) managed to get it up on YouTube. It seems to have been butchered even more than usual, so definition of the waves is just about zero. :evil: But at least it's finally up; check it out here:

Two Sailing Wait

As an aside, a few people have asked for higher-resolution versions of some of my kayaking videos. Rather than start burning DVD's and VCD's (which I'm happy to do!) I thought I'd start hosting higher-resolution versions of them. Each one is in a 640x480 resolution at 30 frames/second with stereo sound; quality is reasonably good but the files are large (200MB to 250MB each). Expect each one to take about an hour to download with a cable or ADSL connection. They're available for download now. No fancy web site - just click the name of the file you want, and select 'save to disk':


If anyone would prefer a DVD or VCD, that's easy too.

Edit: if you're lucky (like I have been) you might get a good connection and download at up to 300Kbps, enabling you to grab any of the high-res versions in 15-20 minutes. The quality difference is worth the wait, IMO.
Lake Union. No pics, I was too busy keeping up with other guys.
I had a hardest long paddling ( of mine) yesterday.
It was 10nm, including 1 mile into 15-20knots wind ( heavy wind for me) and one mile towing. That was a workout. I supposed be at a pool to practice at this time, but Uhhhhh...my whole body achs.
But that was a fun paddling.

Long way to go for me to do a long openwater crossing in a wind and current :evil:

That is one of my goals this year, being able to do openwater crossing in 3-4 feet wave at least 3 miles in modest current. That will give me some confidence to do island hopping.
Went for the first serious 2 hours paddle yesterday morning after my therapy on Dec. 12th.

Met the Rodinger gang on my turning point.


a cold and foggy morning


it was good to be back in the cockpit


went again this morning on my own, what a difference!


this guy had a huge wake and i got an exiting ride!


we are meeting at the clubhouse next saturday at 9:00 a.m. again, i have to work out for the upcomming Saltspring circumnavigation! I cant wait!



Well this weekend was so nice I got out twice in my new yak. The first day was Thetis lake for a nice, relaxing paddle to meet my new boat. I got everything set up all nice and saw some great scenery:

Here's a deer swimming to a small island in the middle of the lake:


Here's a shot of the weather


It was pure, paddling bliss and I had my boat all dialed in for the next day when I went to Esquimalt harbour from the lagoon


we got up as far as the waterfall at the end of a small estuary after bottoming out a few times.

We headed back to the cars and were met by a whole lot of sail boats and a fun tidal race forming just off the north end of the lagoon/land bridge.

full reports on my paddling journal at Adventures on the Blue

Re: Jan 1 2008 Mississippi River Hidden Falls

Mark_Schilling said:
Kheyashunka said:
-19F wind chill

Brrr! At the risk of being somewhat sacrilegious towards kayaking... get yourself a good down jacket and some snowshoes! :lol:

:roll: :lol: I can't believe you comment something like that! Did you become whimp?? :wink: :lol:

Let me make proper question 8)
Kheyashunka, what do you wear under your suit? Seeing the number on your boat, is it at race? If so, I guess you are wearing not too much, but I want to know what kind of underclothing is available out there for that kind of temperature ,not that I paddle a lot in that, but I heard Diablo Lake in North Cascade in winter is really pretty and it will be like that temparature.

Today, I practiced bunch of rolling and some reenter and roll at the mouth of the Lake Union which is the mouth of Lake Washington( that's where I paddled). I looove paddling Puget Sound( or any saltwater) in winter. It is way clearer than summer with fewer boat trafic ( the wake is the only thing I miss about the boat trafic), very serene stage for practice. But it was cold, I got my first ice cream head after trying to put my butt in the cockpit and find the foot peg under the water. But I think I like getting icecream head doing this than getting it from eating ice cream...it is more satisfing.

And headed for pool practice later of night. tried more reenter and roll, almost almost made it. Maybe next time :D
The icicles hanging off the sprayskirt are a nice touch. 8)

Sushiy, it's so cool to hear about all your paddling adventures - you truly are inspiring.

I also paddled at the pool tonight.

Re: Jan 1 2008 Mississippi River Hidden Falls

sushiy said:
Let me make proper question 8)
Kheyashunka, what do you wear under your suit? Seeing the number on your boat, is it at race?

The number is Minnesota watercraft registration.

I wear an NRS union suit as a base layer, thin socks under smartwools. Fleece pants and a fleece jacket, I guess I would say a medium weight. I had on a Kokotat hood and I put that on before I pull the Kokotat Tropos (semi dry) suit over my head, so I get a nice neck seal. Chota thin neo gloves under the snapdragon pogies. Chota mukluks. Fleece hat. I was comfortable paddling at a leisure pace. But still built up some inner condensation, skin stays dry.
I paddle a few times during winter months at that particular part of the mississippi, it is the only place with open water around here. It rarely freezes. Today I got my goose down, and Stieger Mukluks. It's -10, -death windchill and I won't even go to check if it is frozen over.

This photo from last year, shows the SOF outfit. That is Fort Snelling on the bluff.
Raimo and I paddled at a very cold Chilliwack Lake yesterday.

The road to adventure is seldom boring:

Looks like a good spot to put in:

Nice beach:


Mountains covered in snow:

It's a beautiful day:

Icicles hanging off a log:

On our way to the south end of the lake:

Pyramid shaped mountain:

Cold valley:

Frozen creek:

Overhead airplane. I decided to catch it:

Frozen deck:

Heading north:

Jagged peak:

Dan_Millsip said:
Raimo and I paddled at a very cold Chilliwack Lake yesterday.

Awesome pictures (as usual) and beautiful setting! Looks a little chilly, though...in fact, that plane almost looks made of ice!!
That WAS a pretty day today!! Parfect day for me to do solo on Puget Sound.
I think it was the sunniest day I had ever since ThanksGiving Day in November, and it was calm and cold.

I took off from Edmonds Beach just down the road from me and paddled down south to Richmond Beach Park 4 miles away. It was so sunny I was dressed for 35degreesF as the forcast said, and it became 45 degreeF on the water. I was very glad I can now roll to cool off :D .

On the way back, some wind came ( 6knts) and it was parfect. At the beach, I decided to do some practice. It was cold water but I made promise to myself I do rolling practice every time I get in the water. It was good.
And then, being happy about the rolling practice, I tried Re-enter and roll practice. I could not get my thigh in place with those bulky winter clothing ( I did good in pool without any pants), tried and tried. Some people at the beach actually thoght ( looked like) I was in trouble, ruuning away and running comming back with someone pointing at me :lol: O, Oh...I have to let them know I was just practicing...I took break from practice and paddled around to warm up. I can't decide if I love to see the people's reaction or I am kinda embarrased...
Went and did a short paddle Brentwood Bay/Tod Inlet on Sunday. It was great - lots of waves and the beginnings of a pretty wild north wind - hard to breathe in once or twice on the way back from the inlet.




I just got out of the pool practicing self rescue. It is -5c here. So I signed up for pool time. The fresh ocean is vastly better then chlorine. But what's a guy to do.